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Garb Suggestions for the Upstate Renaissance Faire

This Faire season, spruce up your wardrobe with new garb!

I'm teaching a six-week Courtly Dance series starting Saturday, July 27, and I know many will want to know where to find garb.

I've searched the web, and I've found some suggestions (note: I haven't purchased from these, so do your due diligence before buying).

Brainstorm first

Before you buy, you'll want to check out historical garb to even have an idea of what to wear!

Our dance focus is the Italian court and country dances of the Renaissance, but that time frame can span up to 200 years!

I recommend finding portraits from European history of each period and looking over the main silhouettes to find one you like.

Because Italian dance masters traveled to various courts, you aren't tied to one location if you're aiming for authenticity.

Men and women dressed equally fancy and operated under no feeling of false humility, so if you have the inclination, this is your time to go fully extravagant!

Sources and Links

Search Etsy or Amazon as well. I've had decent success with Amazon.

If you're interested in how the garb fits in with the dance, check out this playlist of historical dances!

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